People are being martyred but not for their faith. Instead the deaths are part of a serial killer’s sick game as he chooses his victim by their name… then kills them in that Saint’s grisly manner.
My Thoughts:
This book was just about the most perfect book I could have read to finish off my Halloween this year. I had to get up and turn the dam lights on cause it scared the bejesus out of me that bad or good lol I'm really not sure which one, but, which ever one it was I am soooo glad I read this book. I was asked to read/review this novel and really what capture my interest right away was the cover art for the book, then it continued with the blurb for the book, that had me even more interested.
This was an extremely well written novel, I love Cristyn's writing style, she created a story that was believable right to the end and had left me with my mouth hung open thinking to myself I totally did not see that coming. Not only does she create a modern day believable story it will keep you guessing and just when you think you have it all figured out and you know who the killer is, oh no way, you will never believe who the killer is, I gasped when I read who it was.
This is a book that is action packed right till the very end, mystery, and lots of suspense. The details Cristyn uses to describe everything is fantastic, she draws you right into the story along with her, it was almost like I was right there inside the story. I highly recommend this book, I can't wait for you all to read this awesome, incredible book, but remember.............leave the lights on when you do. Enjoy!!!! Happy Halloween!!!!!!!
About the Author:

Do you really need to know anything more about me?
Ok, fine, I am also a veterinarian (for real, not just in my own head like the serial killer thing) and I find the thought of having a romance with a homo chiroptera pretty hot.
See? I told you, you didn't want to know anything else!
I recent bought this book and look forward to the read. Thanks for sharing your review today.